Medical case
75F with COPD and fever This is an online e blog to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of input from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input. PAST HISTORY: The patient is 75 years old female. She is a retired school teacher and is managing her tea gardens now. In the year 1990 she was detected with cyst in her right breast. She went to doctor with complaints of severe pain and swelling. Biopsy result was good and operation was done. She is suffering from cough and cold every winter since 1992. Though the last two years were not severe. She has high pressure(since 1992) and anxiety. She went to doctor with complaints of severe vomiting, headache, acidity and high pressure. Only one of her doctor(local PHC) said she has bron...